
WP1 - Evaluation of global CO2MVS advection scheme and improvement of its algorithmic components
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D1.1 Evaluation and analysis of IFS tracer advection scheme accuracy and conservation properties and its ability to estimate emissions REPORT 31 Mar 2025
D1.2 Progress report on implementation aspects and preliminary results towards an improved tracer advection scheme REPORT 30 Jun 2025
WP2 - Improved tracer advection scheme for the global CO2MVS model and recommendations towards locally mass conserving approaches
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D2.1 IFS tracer advection scheme with improved properties for accurate estimation of emissions in CO2MVS REPORT 30 Sep 2026
D2.2 Recommendations for future development of locally conserving tracer advection schemes for CO2MVS REPORT 31 Dec 2026
WP3 - Evaluation of local atmospheric transport models for monitoring emission hotspots in CO2MVS
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D3.3 Plume rise and chemistry REPORT 30 Jun 2025
D3.2 Impact of Boundary Conditions REPORT 30 Apr 2025
D3.1 Intercomparison protocols in WP3-4 REPORT 31 Dec 2024
WP4 - Recommendations on local atmospheric transport models for monitoring emission hotspots in CO2MVS
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D4.1 Intercomparison report REPORT 31 Dec 2026
D4.2 Report on sensitivity experiments in very high-resolution simulations REPORT 30 Sep 2026
D4.3 Recommendations on how to parametrize non-resolved processes in the IFS. REPORT 30 Nov 2026
WP5 - Building test beds for parametrization of turbulent and convective mixing in global CO2MVS
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D5.1 Test-bed configuration REPORT 30 Jun 2024
D5.2 Test-bed realisation REPORT 30 Jun 2025
WP6 - Evaluation of parametrizations of turbulent and convective mixing in global CO2MVS
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D6.2 Testing IFS sensitivity to different parametrizations and parameter uncertainty REPORT 30 Nov 2026
D6.1 Calculations of tracer transport metrics and variables based on selected test beds REPORT 30 Apr 2026
WP7 - Protocol to evaluate tracer transport in CO2MVS and first evaluation
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D7.1 Design of protocol for preliminary global model intercomparisons REPORT 30 Apr 2024
D7.2 Evaluation of preliminary global model intercomparison REPORT 30 Jun 2025
WP8 - Evaluation of tracer transport in global models
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D8.1 Development of tracer transport metrics REPORT 30 Apr 2026
D8.2 Evaluation of TransCom intercomparison exercise REPORT 31 Dec 2026
WP9 & 10 - Coordination, dissemination, exploitation and international liaison-Phase 1 & 2
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D10.1 Interim Progress Report 2 REPORT 30 Apr 2026
D9.5 Mid-term dissemination and exploitation report REPORT 30 Jun 2025
D9.4 Interim Progress Report 1 REPORT 31 Oct 2024
D9.3 Data Management Plan DMP 30 Jun 2024
D9.2 Dissemination, exploitation, media and communication plans REPORT 31 May 2024
D9.1 Risk and quality management plan REPORT 29 Feb 2024
D10.2 Final dissemination and exploitation report REPORT 31 Dec 2026

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