The CATRINE project held its virtual kick-off meeting 30th of January 2024 which brought together for the first time all project participants to discuss the work of this new project. 

Richard Engelen opened the session with a welcome from CAMS and introducing CO2MVS.

CATRINE Project Coordinators Anna Agusti-Panareda (ECMWF) and Michail Diamantakis (ECMWF) then introduced the CATRINE project aims and objectives. This was then followed by our EC  Project Officer in Brussels about how the work of CATRINE  fits in to the wider ambitions of HADEA. 

The rest if the day comprised of partner introductions, WP presentations and very informative crosscutting discussions.

Though it was a virtual event, there was a good energy to be starting the ambitious work of CATRINE and to establish links to previous and current H2020 and Horizon Europe projects.

Anna comments " It was great to see everyone on the call. We are looking forward to a productive 3 years and to working with our colleagues from sister projects CoCO2 and CORSO. "





9:30-9:45 Welcome from CAMS: brief introduction to CO2MVS (Richard Engelen) 

9:45-10:00  Welcome and introduction to CATRINE project (Anna Agusti-Panareda, Michail Diamantakis) 

10:00-10:20 “Horizon Europe context & implementation guidelines” by Project Officer, Lukas Lanneau (HaDEA) 

10:20-10:40 Partners introduction (2min, 1 slide per partner)

10:40-10:45 Group photo

10:45-11:10 Coffee break


Work package presentations (15 mins presentations + 5 mins for questions)

11:10-11.30 WP1+2 presentation (Sylvie Malardel, Michail Diamantakis) 

11:30-11:50 WP3+4 presentation (Maarten Krol and Thomas Lauvaux) 

11:50-12:10 WP5+6 presentation (Jordi Vila and Stefan Versick) 

12:10-12:30 WP7+8presentation (Frederic Chevallier, Anna Agusti-Panareda)

12:30-13:00 WP9+10 Project management presentation 

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break


Discussion on cross-cutting topics

14:00-14:10: Introduction/outline to discussion topics (ECMWF)  

14:10-14:40 Gathering of observations from operational networks for global diagnostics and local processes at supersites (LSCE, WU, UFR)  

14:40-15:10 Protocols for global model inter-comparisons (LSCE, ECMWF,KIT)

15:10-15:40 (WU, URCA, UH) Protocols for LES model inter-comparisons 

15:40-16:10 Coffee break

16:10-16:40 Protocols for case studies from field campaigns focusing on transport processes in the BL and the UTLS  (KIT, WU) 

16:40-17:10 Protocols for case studies to benchmark model developments (Meteo-France, ECMWF) 

17:10-17:30  Planning future meetings, AOB and meeting closure (ECMWF)